About Us

- About store-

VeganChick is selling attractive and fashionable clothes of t-shirts and hats having loveable messages of vegetarians. Our products are made by regarding ethical values of animals and environment. We are giving high respect and love to animals and our aim is to spread cruelty-free culture.

The idea of VeganChick was generated from simple t-shirt message that we received few years ago, which changed our lives forever so we wanted to influence on your lives by promoting our brand.

We have inspired thousands of people through t-shirt messages. VeganChick is connecting fashion with awareness and believes

- Our mission -

VeganChick is dedicated to bring trending messages in front of vegetarian community and keep on reminding them the ultimate voice for animal rights.

- Our vision -

We are creating artistic work by producing nice combination of design, color, textures of threads and blending imaginative skills of our design team. Together, we are constructing beautiful world by consistently spreading believes of compassion and love.

We are here to send vegan messages through t-shirts in order to transform lives of people so is prime driving force behind our business.

- Our values -

The core of our operating philosophy is to reflect ethical veganism in our products, which is prime bond to connect brand with vegie lovers.

We are delivering quality of product and service and are using our design skills to inspire masses.  

We have shown strong commitment to animal rights by embossed colours and designs inspired from vegan cookbooks.

We are contributing actively for causes of animal rights organisations and donated our pro-bono design skills for them.

VeganChick is not just common brand who is selling t-shirt designs but it has sold and marketed lifestyle of community.

- Advancing scientific studies -

We have sold the psychology that ‘you are what you wear’ because your outfit portrays your belief system. Your outfits are true demonstration of your personality

- Product delivery by respecting your believes -

We empower you to express your emotions, feelings, philosophy and lifestyle through outfits.

We are supporting Vegan community by selling embodied ideas of t-shirts, hats and accessories to keep vegan people within their comfort zone.